Dreckly/dreckly 37943f5textproc/expat distinfo Makefile, textproc/expat/patches patch-cmake_autotools_expat-noconfig____macos.cmake.in

expat: Update to 2.7.0

Fixes CVE-2024-8176.
+4-493 files

Dreckly/dreckly cb60327textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: updated to 2.6.3

Release 2.6.3 Wed September 4 2024
 Security fixes:
 CVE-2024-45490 -- Calling function XML_ParseBuffer with
             len < 0 without noticing and then calling XML_GetBuffer
             will have XML_ParseBuffer fail to recognize the problem
             and XML_GetBuffer corrupt memory.
             With the fix, XML_ParseBuffer now complains with error
             XML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT just like sibling XML_Parse
             has been doing since Expat 2.2.1, and now documented.
             Impact is denial of service to potentially artitrary code
 CVE-2024-45491 -- Internal function dtdCopy can have an
             integer overflow for nDefaultAtts on 32-bit platforms
             (where UINT_MAX equals SIZE_MAX).
             Impact is denial of service to potentially artitrary code
 CVE-2024-45492 -- Internal function nextScaffoldPart can

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Dreckly/dreckly 2b8e15ftextproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.6.2.

!! <blink>Expat is UNDERSTAFFED and WITHOUT FUNDING.</blink>                 !!

Release 2.6.2 Wed March 13 2024
        Security fixes:
       #839 #842  CVE-2024-28757 -- Prevent billion laughs attacks with
                    isolated use of external parsers.  Please see the commit
                    message of commit 1d50b80cf31de87750103656f6eb693746854aa8
                    for details.

        Bug fixes:
       #839 #841  Reject direct parameter entity recursion
                    and avoid the related undefined behavior

        Other changes:
            #847  Autotools: Fix build for DOCBOOK_TO_MAN containing spaces

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly 625a2e2textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: updated to 2.6.1

Release 2.6.1

Bug fixes:
  Make tests independent of CPU speed, and thus more robust
  Expose billion laughs API with XML_DTD defined and
    XML_GE undefined, regression from 2.6.0

Other changes:
  Hide test-only code behind new internal macro
  Autotools: Reject expat_config.h.in defining SIZEOF_VOID_P
  Address compiler warnings
  Version info bumped from 10:0:9 (libexpat*.so.1.9.0)
     to 10:1:9 (libexpat*.so.1.9.1); see https://verbump.de/
     for what these numbers do

  CI: Adapt to breaking changes in clang-format
+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly 5dc707atextproc/expat builtin.mk Makefile

expat: updated to 2.6.0

Release 2.6.0 Tue February 6 2024
    Security fixes:
  * *  CVE-2023-52425 -- Fix quadratic runtime issues with big tokens
               that can cause denial of service, in partial where
               dealing with compressed XML input.  Applications
               that parsed a document in one go -- a single call to
               functions XML_Parse or XML_ParseBuffer -- were not affected.
               The smaller the chunks/buffers you use for parsing
               previously, the bigger the problem prior to the fix.
               Backporters should be careful to no omit parts of
               pull request * and to include earlier pull request *,
               in order to not break the fix.
       *  CVE-2023-52426 -- Fix billion laughs attacks for users
               compiling *without* XML_DTD defined (which is not common).
               Users with XML_DTD defined have been protected since
               Expat >=2.4.0 (and that was CVE-2013-0340 back then).

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+18-193 files

Dreckly/dreckly ac58903textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.5.0.

Release 2.5.0 Tue October 25 2022
        Security fixes:
  #616 #649 #650  CVE-2022-43680 -- Fix heap use-after-free after overeager
                    destruction of a shared DTD in function
                    XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate in out-of-memory situations.
                    Expected impact is denial of service or potentially
                    arbitrary code execution.

        Bug fixes:
       #612 #645  Fix curruption from undefined entities
       #613 #654  Fix case when parsing was suspended while processing nested
  #616 #652 #653  Stop leaking opening tag bindings after a closing tag
                    mismatch error where a parser is reset through
                    XML_ParserReset and then reused to parse
            #656  CMake: Fix generation of pkg-config file
            #658  MinGW|CMake: Fix static library name

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly 3e6b7c8textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.9.

Release 2.4.9 Tue September 20 2022
        Security fixes:
       #629 #640  CVE-2022-40674 -- Heap use-after-free vulnerability in
                    function doContent. Expected impact is denial of service
                    or potentially arbitrary code execution.

        Bug fixes:
            #634  MinGW: Fix mis-compilation for -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0
            #614  docs: Fix documentation on effect of switch XML_DTD on
                    symbol visibility in doc/reference.html

        Other changes:
            #638  MinGW: Make fix-xmltest-log.sh drop more Wine bug output
       #596 #625  Autotools: Sync CMake templates with CMake 3.22
            #608  CMake: Migrate from use of CMAKE_*_POSTFIX to
                    dedicated variables EXPAT_*_POSTFIX to stop affecting
                    other projects

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly ea51a91textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.7.

Release 2.4.7 Fri March 4 2022
        Bug fixes:
       #572 #577  Relax fix to CVE-2022-25236 (introduced with release 2.4.5)
                    with regard to all valid URI characters (RFC 3986),
                    i.e. the following set (excluding whitespace):
                    ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
                    0123456789 % -._~ :/?#[]@ !$&'()*+,;=

        Other changes:
  #555 #570 #581  CMake|Windows: Store Expat version in the DLL
            #577  Document consequences of namespace separator choices not just
                    in doc/reference.html but also in header <expat.h>
            #577  Document Expat's lack of validation of namespace URIs against
                    RFC 3986, and that the XML 1.0r4 specification doesn't
                    require Expat to validate namespace URIs, and that Expat
                    may do more in that regard in future releases.
                    If you find need for strict RFC 3986 URI validation on

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly f09bee8textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.6

Release 2.4.6 Sun February 20 2022
        Bug fixes:
            #566  Fix a regression introduced by the fix for CVE-2022-25313
                    in release 2.4.5 that affects applications that (1)
                    call function XML_SetElementDeclHandler and (2) are
                    parsing XML that contains nested element declarations
                    (e.g. "<!ELEMENT junk ((bar|foo|xyz+), zebra*)>").

        Other changes:
       #567 #568  Version info bumped from 9:5:8 to 9:6:8;
                    see https://verbump.de/ for what these numbers do
+7-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly f39c1ectextproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.5.

Release 2.4.5 Fri February 18 2022
        Security fixes:
            #562  CVE-2022-25235 -- Passing malformed 2- and 3-byte UTF-8
                    sequences (e.g. from start tag names) to the XML
                    processing application on top of Expat can cause
                    arbitrary damage (e.g. code execution) depending
                    on how invalid UTF-8 is handled inside the XML
                    processor; validation was not their job but Expat's.
                    Exploits with code execution are known to exist.
            #561  CVE-2022-25236 -- Passing (one or more) namespace separator
                    characters in "xmlns[:prefix]" attribute values
                    made Expat send malformed tag names to the XML
                    processor on top of Expat which can cause
                    arbitrary damage (e.g. code execution) depending
                    on such unexpectable cases are handled inside the XML
                    processor; validation was not their job but Expat's.
                    Exploits with code execution are known to exist.

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly 0f33efdtextproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.4.

Release 2.4.4 Sun January 30 2022
        Security fixes:
            #550  CVE-2022-23852 -- Fix signed integer overflow
                    (undefined behavior) in function XML_GetBuffer
                    (that is also called by function XML_Parse internally)
                    for when XML_CONTEXT_BYTES is defined to >0 (which is both
                    common and default).
                    Impact is denial of service or more.
            #551  CVE-2022-23990 -- Fix unsigned integer overflow in function
                    doProlog triggered by large content in element type
                    declarations when there is an element declaration handler
                    present (from a prior call to XML_SetElementDeclHandler).
                    Impact is denial of service or more.

        Bug fixes:
       #544 #545  xmlwf: Fix a memory leak on output file opening error

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly 6b12fb9textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.3.

Release 2.4.3 Sun January 16 2022
        Security fixes:
       #531 #534  CVE-2021-45960 -- Fix issues with left shifts by >=29 places
                    resulting in
                      a) realloc acting as free
                      b) realloc allocating too few bytes
                      c) undefined behavior
                    depending on architecture and precise value
                    for XML documents with >=2^27+1 prefixed attributes
                    on a single XML tag a la
                    "<r xmlns:a='[..]' a:a123='[..]' [..] />"
                    where XML_ParserCreateNS is used to create the parser
                    (which needs argument "-n" when running xmlwf).
                    Impact is denial of service, or more.
       #532 #538  CVE-2021-46143 (ZDI-CAN-16157) -- Fix integer overflow
                    on variable m_groupSize in function doProlog leading
                    to realloc acting as free.

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+6-62 files

Dreckly/dreckly e625319textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.4.1

Release 2.4.1 Sun May 23 2021
        Bug fixes:
       #488 #490  Autotools: Fix installed header expat_config.h for multilib
                    systems; regression introduced in 2.4.0 by pull request #486

        Other changes:
       #491 #492  Version info bumped from 9:0:8 to 9:1:8;
                    see https://verbump.de/ for what these numbers do

        Special thanks to:
            Gentoo's QA check "multilib_check_headers"

Release 2.4.0 Sun May 23 2021
        Security fixes:
   #34 #466 #484  CVE-2013-0340/CWE-776 -- Protect against billion laughs attacks
                    (denial-of-service; flavors targeting CPU time or RAM or both,
                    leveraging general entities or parameter entities or both)

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+7-72 files

Dreckly/dreckly 9eef56atextproc/expat distinfo PLIST

expat: update to 2.3.0.

Release 2.3.0 Thu March 25 2021
        Bug fixes:
            #438  When calling XML_ParseBuffer without a prior successful call to
                    XML_GetBuffer as a user, no longer trigger undefined behavior
                    (by adding an integer to a NULL pointer) but rather return
                    XML_STATUS_ERROR and set the error code to (new) code
                    XML_ERROR_NO_BUFFER. Found by UBSan (UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer)
                    of Clang 11 (but not Clang 9).
            #444  xmlwf: Exit status 2 was used for both:
                    - malformed input files (documented) and
                    - invalid command-line arguments (undocumented).
                    The case of invalid command-line arguments now
                    has its own exit status 4, resolving the ambiguity.

        Other changes:
            #439  xmlwf: Add argument -k to allow continuing after
                    non-fatal errors

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+12-93 files

Dreckly/dreckly a4f2a4btextproc/expat Makefile

expat: use upstream-suggested workaround for installing man page
+3-41 files

Dreckly/dreckly d2d80bdtextproc/expat Makefile PLIST

expat: switch back to building with autoconf

Manually install xmlwf.1.

Fixes cyclic dependency between cmake and expat (on Solaris).

+20-152 files

Dreckly/dreckly 2381434textproc/expat Makefile PLIST

expat: update to 2.2.10.

Use cmake for building.

Release 2.2.10 Sat October 3 2020
        Bug fixes:
  #390 #395 #398  Fix undefined behavior during parsing caused by
                    pointer arithmetic with NULL pointers
       #404 #405  Fix reading uninitialized variable during parsing
            #406  xmlwf: Add missing check for malloc NULL return

        Other changes:
            #396  Windows: Drop support for Visual Studio <=8.0/2005
            #409  Windows: Add missing file "Changes" to the installer
                    to fix compilation with CMake from installed sources
            #403  xmlwf: Document exit codes in xmlwf manpage and
                    exit with code 3 (rather than code 1) for output errors
                    when used with "-d DIRECTORY"
       #356 #359  MinGW: Provide declaration of rand_s for mingwrt <5.3.0

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+22-203 files

Dreckly/dreckly 16c79aatextproc/expat Makefile

expat: Avoid detecting system docbook, resulting in PLIST conflicts

Noticed by Dr. Thomas Orgis
+5-11 files

Dreckly/dreckly c52dfe0textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: Update to 2.2.9

Release 2.2.9 Wed Septemper 25 2019
        Other changes:
                  examples: Drop executable bits from elements.c
+8-82 files

Dreckly/dreckly d2a222ctextproc/expat Makefile distinfo

expat: Update to 2.2.8

Release 2.2.8 Fri Septemper 13 2019
        Security fixes:
       #317 #318  CVE-2019-15903 -- Fix heap overflow triggered by
                    XML_GetCurrentLineNumber (or XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber),
                    and deny internal entities closing the doctype;
                    fixed in commit c20b758c332d9a13afbbb276d30db1d183a85d43

        Bug fixes:
            #240  Fix cases where XML_StopParser did not have any effect
                    when called from inside of an end element handler
            #341  xmlwf: Fix exit code for operation without "-d DIRECTORY";
                    previously, only "-d DIRECTORY" would give you a proper
                    exit code:
                      # xmlwf -d . <<<'<not well-formed>' 2>/dev/null ; echo $?
                      # xmlwf <<<'<not well-formed>' 2>/dev/null ; echo $?

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+11-102 files

Dreckly/dreckly 4172b76textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.2.7.

For a security fix.

Release 2.2.7 Wed June 19 2019
        Security fixes:
       #186 #262  Fix extraction of namespace prefixes from XML names;
                    XML names with multiple colons could end up in the
                    wrong namespace, and take a high amount of RAM and CPU
                    resources while processing, opening the door to
                    use for denial-of-service attacks

        Other changes:
       #195 #197  Autotools/CMake: Utilize -fvisibility=hidden to stop
                    exporting non-API symbols
            #227  Autotools: Add --without-examples and --without-tests
            #228  Autotools: Modernize configure.ac
       #245 #246  Autotools: Fix check for -fvisibility=hidden for Clang
       #247 #248  Autotools: Fix compilation for lack of docbook2x-man

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+8-93 files

Dreckly/dreckly 600a491textproc/expat distinfo Makefile

expat: update to 2.2.6.

Release 2.2.6 Sun August 12 2018
        Bug fixes:
       #170 #206  Avoid doing arithmetic with NULL pointers in XML_GetBuffer
       #204 #205  Fix 2.2.5 regression with suspend-resume while parsing
                    a document like '<root/>'

        Other changes:
       #165 #168  Autotools: Fix docbook-related configure syntax error
            #166  Autotools: Avoid grep option `-q` for Solaris
            #167  Autotools: Support
                    ./configure DOCBOOK_TO_MAN="xmlto man --skip-validation"
       #159 #167  Autotools: Support DOCBOOK_TO_MAN command which produces
                    xmlwf.1 rather than XMLWF.1; also covers case insensitive
                    file systems
            #181  Autotools: Drop -rpath option passed to libtool
            #188  Autotools: Detect and deny SGML docbook2man as ours is XML
            #188  Autotools/CMake: Support command db2x_docbook2man as well

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Dreckly/dreckly 6249d99audio/disc-cover Makefile, devel/libglade Makefile

*: reset maintainer for drochner
+12-1832 files not shown
+76-8238 files

Dreckly/dreckly ca7d1aatextproc/expat PLIST Makefile

textproc/expat: move documentation to share/doc/expat
+6-52 files

Dreckly/dreckly cb69809textproc/expat distinfo Makefile, textproc/expat/patches patch-configure.ac patch-configure

Updated expat to 2.2.4.

Release 2.2.4 Sat Auguest 19 2017
        Bug fixes:
            #115  Fix copying of partial characters for UTF-8 input

        Other changes:
            #109  Fix "make check" for non-x86 architectures that default
                    to unsigned type char (-128..127 rather than 0..255)
            #109  coverage.sh: Cover -funsigned-char
                  Autotools: Introduce --without-xmlwf argument
             #65  Autotools: Replace handwritten Makefile with GNU Automake
             #43  CMake: Auto-detect high quality entropy extractors, add new
                    option USE_libbsd=ON to use arc4random_buf of libbsd
             #74  CMake: Add -fno-strict-aliasing only where supported
            #114  CMake: Always honor manually set BUILD_* options
            #114  CMake: Compile man page if docbook2x-man is available, only
            #117  Include file tests/xmltest.log.expected in source tarball
                    (required for "make run-xmltest")

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Dreckly/dreckly 7b49918textproc/expat distinfo Makefile, textproc/expat/patches patch-configure patch-configure.ac

update of expat from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (mostly security fixes and cleanup)

Security issues fixed:
CVE-2017-9233, CVE-2016-9063, improve fix for CVE-2016-5300

fixed regression from fix to CVE-2016-0718

Cleanup: Drop AmigaOS 4.x, Borland C++ Builder, OpenVMS, Open Watcom,
Visual Studio 6.0 and Pre-X Mac OS support
+39-74 files

Dreckly/dreckly 52e8ba9textproc/expat distinfo, textproc/expat/patches patch-CVE-2016-0718-2 patch-CVE-2016-0718-4

update to 2.2.0
-security patches which we already had in pkgsrc are integrated
-Use more entropy for hash initialization than the original fix
 to CVE-2012-0876
-Resolve troublesome internal call to srand that was introduced
 with Expat 2.1.0 when addressing CVE-2012-0876
+5-7831 files not shown
+7-7867 files

Dreckly/dreckly 956e46ctextproc/expat Makefile distinfo, textproc/expat/patches patch-CVE-2016-0718-2 patch-CVE-2016-0718-4

add patches from upstream to fix possible crashes and memory corruption
on malformed input (CVE-2016-0718)
Description: The Expat XML parser mishandles certain kinds of malformed
input documents, resulting in buffer overflows during processing and error
reporting. The overflows can manifest as a segmentation fault or as memory
corruption during a parse operation. The bugs allow for a denial of service
attack in many applications by an unauthenticated attacker, and could
conceivably result in remote code execution.


also add an improvement to the fix for CVE-2015-1283 which was part
of the 2.1.1 release -- don't rely on defined behaviour on overflows
of signed integer operations, from upstream git:

pkgsrc change: add a hint how to run the pkg's selftest (not enabled
permanently because this would add a dependency on C++)
+764-26 files

Dreckly/dreckly 63da190textproc/expat distinfo buildlink3.mk, textproc/expat/patches patch-xmlparse.c

Update to 2.1.1

Release 2.1.1 Sat March 12 2016
        Security fixes:
            #582: CVE-2015-1283 - Multiple integer overflows in XML_GetBuffer

        Bug fixes:
            #502: Fix potential null pointer dereference
            #520: Symbol XML_SetHashSalt was not exported
            Output of "xmlwf -h" was incomplete

        Other changes
            #503: Document behavior of calling XML_SetHashSalt with salt 0
            Minor improvements to man page xmlwf(1)
            Improvements to the experimental CMake build system
            libtool now invoked with --verbose
+13-915 files

Dreckly/dreckly ba3a1a3textproc/expat Makefile distinfo, textproc/expat/patches patch-Makefile.in

Do not use GNU make, bump PKGREVISION
Fix circular dependency of PREFER_PKGSRC=yes case.
+24-43 files