NetBSD/pkgsrc Y3r4SfOmail/mutt distinfo Makefile, mail/mutt/patches patch-aa

   mutt: Update to version 1.12.0

   Changes since version 1.11.4:
   ! $ssl_use_tlsv1 and $ssl_use_tlsv1_1 now default to unset.
   + $auto_subscribe, when set, automatically adds an email with the List-Post
     header to the subscribe list.
   ! Fcc now occurs after sending a message.  If the fcc fails, mutt will prompt
     to try again, or to try another mailbox.
   + Basic protected header ("memory hole") support added for the Subject header.
     See the config vars: $crypt_protected_headers_read,
     $crypt_protected_headers_save, $crypt_protected_headers_subject,
     and $crypt_protected_headers_write.
   ! Color names can be prefixed with "light" in addition to "bright".  "bright"
     colors are bold face, while "light" are non-bold.
   ! Color commands can now include an attribute (e.g. bold, underline).
   ! $pgp_use_gpg_agent defaults set.
   + <descend-directory> in the browser menu allows entering nested maildir
   + <group-chat-reply> replies to all, but preserves To recipients in the reply.
   + $include_encrypted, default unset, prevents separately encrypted contents
     from being included in a reply.  This helps to prevent a decryption oracle
   ! With gpgme >= 1.11, recipient keys with a trailing '!' now force subkey use,
     as with classic gpg.
   ! In send mode, %{charset} mailcap expansion uses the current charset of the
   + $imap_fetch_chunk_size allows fetching new headers in groups of this size.
     This might help with timeouts during opening of huge mailboxes.
     If you have huge mailboxes, you should also try $imap_qresync.
   ! <toggle-write> can be invoked from the pager too.
   + The $forward_attachments quadoption allows including attachments in
     inline-forwards (i.e. $mime_forward unset, $forward_decode set.)
+15-144 files
