NetBSD/src EOOVI3msys/dev/mii inbmphyreg.h, sys/dev/pci if_wm.c

   Add some code for suspend/resume:
   - Rename wm_smbustopci() to wm_init_phy_workarounds_pchlan(). It will also
     called when resume.
   - Call wm_phy_resetisblocked() after PHY reset in
     wm_init_phy_workarounds_pchlan() to wait for the PHY to quiesce to an
     accessible state.
   - Add new wm_resume_workarounds_pchlan() function and use it in wm_resume().
     This workaround is only for PCH2 and newer.
   - Don't call wm_disable_aspm() neither in wm_attach() nor in wm_resume()
     but in wm_reset().
   - Do some initialization in wm_resume() when IFF_UP is NOT set.
   - Don't continue when it failed to acquire semaphore in wm_ulp_disable().
   - Add comment.
+162-222 files
