NetBSD/pkgsrc uGi9ACOmail/mblaze Makefile distinfo

   mblaze: update to 0.5.

   * New tool msearch to wrap several mail indexers.
   * New zsh completion _mblaze.
   * mnext/mprev were removed (you can call `mless +`/`mless -`).
   * The GnuPG tools in contrib/ now use gpg2.
   * mshow exits with error if it could not extract all attachments
   * mrep: add -noquote to disable quoting the message replied to
   * mdeliver: keep permissions of messages
   * mcom: aborting the editor is now more like delete than cancel
   * mcom: add -send to send directly without editing
   * mcom: check if mail is formatted sensibly
   * mpick: new flag -v for statistics
   * mscan: new flag -v for statistics
   * magrep: add -h, which is like -p but doesn't print the file name
   * mscan: prioritize displaying trashed mail over other markers
   * mpick: fix off-by-one in expression parsing
   * Many bug fixes
+8-143 files
