DragonFlyBSD/src 0600465sys/platform/pc64/include pmap.h, sys/platform/pc64/x86_64 pmap.c

kernel - VM rework part 17 - Cleanup

* Adjust kmapinfo and vmpageinfo in /usr/src/test/debug.
  Enhance the code to display more useful information.

* Get pmap_page_stats_*() working again.

* Change systat -vm's 'VM' reporting.  Replace VM-rss with PMAP and
  VMRSS.  Relabel VM-swp to SWAP and SWTOT.

  PMAP  - Amount of real memory faulted into user pmaps.

  VMRSS - Sum of all process RSS's in thet system.  This is
          the 'virtual' memory faulted into user pmaps and
          includes shared pages.

  SWAP  - Amount of swap space currently in use.

  SWTOT - Total amount of swap installed.

* Redocument vm_page.h.

* Remove dead code from pmap.c (some left over cruft from the
  days when pv_entry's were used for PTEs).
+422-1937 files
