NetBSD/pkgsrc hklURlEdevel/py-pyparsing distinfo Makefile

   py-pyparsing: 2.3.0

   Version 2.3.0:
     This release introduces the pyparsing_unicode namespace class, defining
     a series of language character sets to simplify the definition of alphas,
     nums, alphanums, and printables in the following language sets:
      . Arabic
      . Chinese
      . Cyrillic
      . Devanagari
      . Greek
      . Hebrew
      . Japanese (including Kanji, Katakana, and Hirigana subsets)
      . Korean
      . Latin1 (includes 7 and 8-bit Latin characters)
      . Thai
      . CJK (combination of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean sets)

     For example, your code can define words using:

       korean_word = Word(pyparsing_unicode.Korean.alphas)

     See their use in the updated examples and

     This namespace class also offers access to these sets using their
     unicode identifiers.

   - POSSIBLE API CHANGE: Fixed bug where a parse action that explicitly
     returned the input ParseResults could add another nesting level in
     the results if the current expression had a results name.

           vals = pp.OneOrMore(pp.pyparsing_common.integer)("int_values")

           def add_total(tokens):
               tokens['total'] = sum(tokens)
               return tokens  # this line can be removed

           print(vals.parseString("244 23 13 2343").dump())

     Before the fix, this code would print (note the extra nesting level):

       [244, 23, 13, 2343]
       - int_values: [244, 23, 13, 2343]
         - int_values: [244, 23, 13, 2343]
         - total: 2623
       - total: 2623

     With the fix, this code now prints:

       [244, 23, 13, 2343]
       - int_values: [244, 23, 13, 2343]
       - total: 2623

     This fix will change the structure of ParseResults returned if a
     program defines a parse action that returns the tokens that were
     sent in. This is not necessary, and statements like "return tokens"
     in the example above can be safely deleted prior to upgrading to
     this release, in order to avoid the bug and get the new behavior.

     Reported by seron in Issue 22, nice catch!

   - POSSIBLE API CHANGE: Fixed a related bug where a results name
     erroneously created a second level of hierarchy in the returned
     ParseResults. The intent for accumulating results names into ParseResults
     is that, in the absence of Group'ing, all names get merged into a
     common namespace. This allows us to write:

          key_value_expr = (Word(alphas)("key") + '=' + Word(nums)("value"))
          result = key_value_expr.parseString("a = 100")

     and have result structured as {"key": "a", "value": "100"}
     instead of [{"key": "a"}, {"value": "100"}].

     However, if a named expression is used in a higher-level non-Group
     expression that *also* has a name, a false sub-level would be created
     in the namespace:

           num = pp.Word(pp.nums)
           num_pair = ("[" + (num("A") + num("B"))("values") + "]")
           U = num_pair.parseString("[ 10 20 ]")

     Since there is no grouping, "A", "B", and "values" should all appear
     at the same level in the results, as:

           ['[', '10', '20', ']']
           - A: '10'
           - B: '20'
           - values: ['10', '20']

     Instead, an extra level of "A" and "B" show up under "values":

           ['[', '10', '20', ']']
           - A: '10'
           - B: '20'
           - values: ['10', '20']
             - A: '10'
             - B: '20'

     This bug has been fixed. Now, if this hierarchy is desired, then a
     Group should be added:

           num_pair = ("[" + pp.Group(num("A") + num("B"))("values") + "]")


           ['[', ['10', '20'], ']']
           - values: ['10', '20']
             - A: '10'
             - B: '20'

     But in no case should "A" and "B" appear in multiple levels. This bug-fix
     fixes that.

     If you have current code which relies on this behavior, then add or remove
     Groups as necessary to get your intended results structure.

     Reported by Athanasios Anastasiou.

   - IndexError's raised in parse actions will get explicitly reraised
     as ParseExceptions that wrap the original IndexError. Since
     IndexError sometimes occurs as part of pyparsing's normal parsing
     logic, IndexErrors that are raised during a parse action may have
     gotten silently reinterpreted as parsing errors. To retain the
     information from the IndexError, these exceptions will now be
     raised as ParseExceptions that reference the original IndexError.
     This wrapping will only be visible when run under Python3, since it
     emulates "raise ... from ..." syntax.

     Addresses Issue 4, reported by guswns0528.

   - Added Char class to simplify defining expressions of a single
     character. (Char("abc") is equivalent to Word("abc", exact=1))

   - Added class PrecededBy to perform lookbehind tests. PrecededBy is
     used in the same way as FollowedBy, passing in an expression that
     must occur just prior to the current parse location.

     For fixed-length expressions like a Literal, Keyword, Char, or a
     Word with an `exact` or `maxLen` length given, `PrecededBy(expr)`
     is sufficient. For varying length expressions like a Word with no
     given maximum length, `PrecededBy` must be constructed with an
     integer `retreat` argument, as in
     `PrecededBy(Word(alphas, nums), retreat=10)`, to specify the maximum
     number of characters pyparsing must look backward to make a match.
     pyparsing will check all the values from 1 up to retreat characters
     back from the current parse location.

     When stepping backwards through the input string, PrecededBy does
     *not* skip over whitespace.

     PrecededBy can be created with a results name so that, even though
     it always returns an empty parse result, the result *can* include
     named results.

     Idea first suggested in Issue 30 by Freakwill.

   - Updated FollowedBy to accept expressions that contain named results,
     so that results names defined in the lookahead expression will be
     returned, even though FollowedBy always returns an empty list.
     Inspired by the same feature implemented in PrecededBy.
+7-72 files
