NetBSD/pkgsrc-wip 239e493mosquitto distinfo Makefile, mosquitto/patches patch-src_CMakeLists.txt patch-mosquitto.conf

mosquitto: Update to 1.6.0

1.6 - 20190417

Broker features:
- Add support for MQTT v5
- Add support for OCSP stapling.
- Add support for ALPN on bridge TLS connections. Closes #924.
- Add support for Automotive DLT logging.
- Add TLS Engine support.
- Persistence file read/write performance improvements.
- General performance improvements.
- Add max_keepalive option, to allow a maximum keepalive value to be set for
  MQTT v5 clients only.
- Add `bind_interface` option which allows a listener to be bound to a
  specific network interface, in a similar fashion to the `bind_address` option.
  Linux only.
- Add improved bridge restart interval based on Decorrelated Jitter.
- Add `dhparamfile` option, to allow DH parameters to be loaded for Ephemeral
  DH support
- Disallow writing to $ topics where appropriate.
- Fix mosquitto_passwd crashing on corrupt password file. Closes #1207.
- Add explicit support for TLS v1.3.
- Drop support for TLS v1.0.
- Improved general support for broker generated client ids. Removed libuuid
- auto_id_prefix now defaults to 'auto-'.
- QoS 1 and 2 flow control improvements.

Client library features:
- Add support for MQTT v5
- Add mosquitto_subscribe_multiple() for sending subscriptions to multiple
  topics in one command.
- Add TLS Engine support.
- Add explicit support for TLS v1.3.
- Drop support for TLS v1.0.
- QoS 1 and 2 flow control improvements.

Client features:
- Add support for MQTT v5
- Add mosquitto_rr client, which can be used for "request-response" messaging,
  by sending a request message and awaiting a response.
- Add TLS Engine support.
- Add support for ALPN on TLS connections. Closes #924.
- Add -D option for all clients to specify MQTT v5 properties.
- Add -E to mosquitto_sub, which causes it to exit immediately after having
  its subscriptions acknowledged. Use with -c to create a durable client
  session without requiring a message to be received.
- Add --remove-retained to mosquitto_sub, which can be used to clear retained
  messages on a broker.
- Add --repeat and --repeat-delay to mosquitto_pub, which can be used to
  repeat single message publishes at a regular interval.
- -V now accepts `5, `311`, `31`, as well as `mqttv5` etc.
- Add explicit support for TLS v1.3.
- Drop support for TLS v1.0.

Broker fixes:
- Improve error reporting when creating listeners.
- Fix build on SmartOS due to missing IPV6_V6ONLY. Closes #1212.

Client library fixes
- Add missing `mosquitto_userdata()` function.

Client fixes:
- mosquitto_pub wouldn't always publish all messages when using `-l` and
  QoS>0. This has been fixed.
- mosquitto_sub was incorrectly encoding special characters when using %j
  output format. Closes #1220.
+16-315 files
